Guest presenter at the linguistics panel during the event celebrating 100 years of English studies at the University of Warsaw. I talked about my recent eye-tracking project.
May 13, 2022
UC Santa Barbara Phonetics Circle, "Obstruent lenition in Canary Islands Spanish - a motion capture study", talk given jointly with my co-author Peter A. Krause. Slides here.
March 23, 2022
"Sound change in the making - phonetics vs phonology", Atelier de Phonologie, CNRS Paris. Slides here.
July 6, 2021
"Reading and writing eye-tracking research papers" - workshop at the LEAD-ME summer school, University of Warsaw. Slides here.
December 18, 2020
"The phonetics and phonology of word stress perception – neurophysiological evidence" - University of Wrocław. Presentation here.